Monday, November 10, 2008

Is he the one?

I just took this Quiz...
Is he the one that you are looking for?
Is he worth it?

MY RESULTz : Maybe......?

You have feelings for this guy, but it may only be temporary. You're still not so sure just wait and see what happens. Good luck!

LOLx~ zhun o not? XD

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


遇见你 让我有了不整心律
难道就是 人类所谓的一见钟情
你我的距离 虽然很近 却难以靠近
爱情来袭 让我无法抗拒

暗恋你 生命充满了神奇
有你的生活 才会觉得有些意义
但是你 对我却 不经为义
是我想太多 还是你在逃避

想要放弃 这不完美的恋情
你的一笑 却让我回心转义
败在没有毅力 没有勇气
